Slim PS2 Disc Read Errors / Laser Information
Just as the older Playstation 2 systems, the slim is no different. Faulty lasers. So how do you know which laser to purchase? There are 3 different lasers we've seen for the slim ps2. The PVR802W, which is manufactured by Mitsumi. The KHM-430 which is manufactured by Sony and the SPU laser which is manufactured by Philips. If you have a KHM430 you can replace it with the PVR802W and vice versa. The philips laser operates at a different voltage and you can only replace it with another Philips laser. So here's how to tell which laser you have!

If you remove the top if your slim ps2 and look in the location circled in Yellow in this image, you will figure out of you have a KHM-430 or PVR-802W. Again, one can replace the other and from our experience, one isn't more reliable than the other, so I'd say go for the cheaper PVR802W :-)

If your laser looks like this, you have the Philips SPU-3170 laser. You can only purchase another Philips laser to replace it.
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