How to remove Parental Lock Code from PS2
Here is the procedure to reset the parental lock code:
Bring up a screen where the unit asks you to enter in the parental code. You can either insert a restricted disc, or enter the DVD setup menu and go to "parental control" under custom setup.
When the screen asks for the code, press the SELECT button, then enter in the code "7444".
The level adjustment under Parental Control dictates the strictness of the player. The lower the value, the more strict it will be. Either increase the value to lower the restriction, or disable the lock entirely by setting it to "off".
Once you have made your adjustments, be sure that the DVD tray is empty, and press the RESET button on the front of the Playstation 2. It is imperative the tray is clear of any DVD or game for the unit to save your settings.
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