PS2 - Red Screen Of Death, "Format Disc"

The infamous Red Screen of Desk -- A.K.A. Insert a Format Disc screen.
This screen is NOT asking for a disc to FORMAT the PS2. What it IS asking for is a PS2 or Playstation format [or a better word -- PS2 or Playstation TYPE disc. A disk with Playstation 1 or Playstation 2 type software on it -- in other words, a ps1 or ps2 game]. It's basically asking for a CD or DVD with software that the playstation can play. This red screen occurs when you insert an XBOX game or a burned/copied PS2 or PS1 game. What the PS2 is stating is that is cannot play this format [or type of] disc. It's asking you to insert a format [or type of] disc that it can recognize and use.
The most common reason for this screen appearing, if your PS2 does NOT have a mod chip, is a dirty lens. Try cleaning your lens and this should go away. What happens is that the lens becomes dirty and does not recognize the disc you inserted as being a PS2 or PS1 format [or type of] disc. So it's asking you to insert one. If your PS2 does have a mod chip installed, it could be a problem with the chip or the disc you burned. We don't install or sell mod chips, so we can't help you with that one.
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