Slim PS2s No Spinning Disc - 1/1/07 added

There are quite a few things that can cause a disc read error on the slim PS2. The most frequent is a bad laser, however, here is some useful troubleshooting info:


Check this. Many times the PS2 will fall, or someone will open it and try to close it up, or a new case installation will be attempted and one or both of these lid closed sensors will become damaged. If the 1st sensor is broken, it's a relatively cheap fix. Click Here to get the Reset Switch Assembly for $19.95. If the 2nd sensor is broken, you're not as fortunate as the PS2 will need a new motherboard if you're not handy at soldering. Click Here to purchase a new motherboard for $69.95.

STEP 2 -- IF the lid closed sensors both work fine when you hold them down by hand, stick a game in and hold them down. If the game loads fine while the case is off and you're holding these sensors down, your case is damaged. Click Here to get a Replacement Original Case for $19.95, or Click Here to get a Replacement Color Case {supports SMDs} for $24.95.

STEP 3 -- IF the laser moves up and down the rail with the cover on and off but does not spin or read the game, chances are your laser deck is faulty and needs to be replaced. We have quite a few customers purchase the hub/motor assembly when the disc does not spin and half of them return it. The hub/motor assembly RARELY goes bad by itself. I would suggest purchasing the whole laser deck rather than the hub/motor. The laser lens is the most frequent part to go bad. Click Here for the Laser Deck at $34.95

If you don't feel like digging in, click here for a SLIM PS2 repair form -- we can fix your slim ps2 for $59.95 including parts, labor, and return shipping. THIS IS A FLAT RATE FEE!

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