Q. Does it matter which firmware I purchase?
A. No. The firmware version is a part of the circuit board on the drive.
Regardless of which firmware version you purchase, when you swap the circuit
board from the old drive to the new one, you are taking the firmware from the
old drive and putting it on the new drive.
Q. I've heard that I have the flash the drive.
How do I do that?
A. You do not have the flash the drive. There is a key on
your current DVD drive that MUST match the lock on your XBox 360's motherboard.
The easiest way to transfer this key is to purchase the same drive as you have
(if you have a Hitachi GDR-3120L drive in your system now, buy this one!), open
up the old drive, remove the green circuit board, and install it into the new
Questions? Comments? Need help ordering?